Acupuncture and acupressure are based upon knowledge gathered for more than 2000 years within Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture, acupressure and energy healing are natural and effective, with minimal (if any) side effects. This healing combination is holistic in nature – taking into account the patient, their lifestyle, natural and social surroundings.
Each modality Heidi uses moves energy where it may be blocked within the body, mind or spirit. These shifts in energy foster an increase in well-being. Energy meridians are like your body's electrical system. Consider your home, if there is a problem with your wiring you can plug something into the wall, but it's not going to work if no energy can get to it. It’s the same for you – parts will not work to their highest potential if there are blockages in your energy flow.
Treatments with Heidi may focus on a wide variety of issues from physical to mental health to fostering a stronger spiritual connection with oneself and higher consciousness.
Reproductive Health (PMS, menstrual irregularities, peri-menopause/menopause, IVF/IUI Support, fertility support - women & men)
Digestive Health (heartburn, IBS, Diarrhea, Constipation etc)
Mental/Emotions Health (stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue)
What to Expect:
At an initial appointment, the first part of your appointment will focus on reviewing your intake form and dialogue regarding what is going on for you currently. The second part of your appointment will be treatment time. Follow-Up care will be discussed with you after your initial appointment. Follow-up appointments range from 30-90 minutes.
Treatment Time:
Treatment is often a mixture of acupuncture, energy healing and possibly cupping as well.
If you are comfortable having needles during your appointment, Heidi will carefully select acupuncture points. After the needles are inserted, Heidi will stay with you and provide a mixture of energy work - Reiki, Qi Gong techniques and Advanced Energy Healing.
If you are not comfortable with needles, Heidi may use acupressure, cupping, moxibustion, therapy, micro-current or lasers instead. These therapies may be used in addition to needles as well.