By offering the 5 Point Auricular (Ear) Protocol in a group setting, it is more accessible to a greater number of people. Not everyone has the resources or a desire to invest in individual acupuncture treatment. With group acupuncture, more people can be treated at a time, therefore I can charge a sliding scale for treatment ($20-$50) making it more accessible.
The same 5 auricular (ear) acupuncture points are used on each participant for this Protocol. Since these acupuncture points are nourishing and beneficial for everyone, there is no intake required or sharing of personal health information. Also, participants do not need to be part of my current practice in order to sign up. This allows more people to receive the benefits of acupuncture at a fraction of the cost.
Anytime a group of people come together for a common goal, there is deep power present. Even if each person is coming for different reasons, there is a common objective of moving towards healing, balance, greater ease and peace. This intention brings energy and potency to being together.
Benefits of the 5 Point Auricular (Ear) Protocol
These 5 auricular (ear) acupuncture points may assist with many things including, but not limited to:
chronic stress
sleep issues
nervous system regulation
withdrawal symptoms
pain relief
How is it done?
The 5 Point Auricular Ear Acupuncture Protocol / Acudetox treatment is a form of acupuncture that is performed by placing five thin, sterile, single-use needles on the outside of each ear. The needles are generally left in place for 20 – 30 minutes (but can be taken out at any time if someone is feeling done). As someone receiving treatment, plan to be at the group for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes. If someone has an aversion to needles, ear seeds can be used instead to provide acupressure to the points. Ear seeds are literal seeds or metal beads attached to the ear with an adhesive tape.
The sessions are held in the office classroom space (right outside my treatment room) with a maximum of 8 people. It is done seated, with clothes on, with minimal talking and no counselling.
To notice the most results, weekly appointments are ideal for 6 weeks or longer. However, there is no required sign up schedule. You can simply book when you feel the need to come. It is completely up to you!
Requirements to Participate
Complete the online consent form sent to you before your first time attending (or in person when you arrive),
Send an e-transfer for your chosen amount (between $20-$50 - if sending an e-transfer is not possible, payment can be processed upon entry - debit/credit/cash),
sign in at the beginning of each group,
sit quietly while the session is taking place.
This is not a social gathering where there is sharing of what is going on for each individual. There is no expectation to introduce yourself or share anything about your life. It is simply a time to dedicate to your own personal health journey, but done so in the company of others. Again, even without sharing, there is something quite special about receiving healing in the midst of community.
What to Expect at a Group Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture Session
Upon arrival, you will be asked to sign in and complete a consent form if you have not already done so online. If you have not sent an e-transfer prior to coming, I will process your chosen payment (between $20-$50 via cash/debit/credit).
Chairs are arranged in a circle in the office classroom and you will be asked to choose a seat. Once everyone has arrived, there will be a short explanation of how the group will proceed and then I will start putting in the acupuncture needles. Calm music is played in the background. There is no sharing of reasons for coming or health histories. As mentioned above, this is not a social gathering, it is simply a time to dedicate to your own personal health journey, but done in the company of others.
Once the needles (or ear seeds) are in, people are asked to sit quietly to relax, meditate, pray or just enjoy some stillness. It is ideal if needles are left in for 20-30 minutes, but if someone feels done before that time, the needles can be taken out. Alternatively, if you are enjoying yourself, you are welcome to stay longer and in that case, the needles will be taken out when the session is coming to a close. If desired, a few ear seeds can be placed on each ear after the needles are removed to help extend the benefits of treatment.
Participants are asked to leave quietly after their needles are taken out to not disturb others who may still be enjoying their quiet treatment.